Journey Into Hope day 10

Well what an amazing couple of days I have had in Port Macquarie. I have had much time to reflect and absorb the language of hope.

I am hopeful because yesterday there were two thunderstorms here and I got absolutely drenched! Weather can change life can change, I can change.

I went to visit the amazing koala hospital in Port Macquarie yesterday. Those beautiful animals stirred the hearts of everyone watching them. So gorgeous and resilient.

I was also deeply touched by the volunteers who give their time and love to serve these furry ones. Incidentally, a baby koala is called a Joey.

In many ways I relate, last year I felt my fur was badly burnt and my environment was razed to the ground. However after fire, new growth can come and a fresh start and that is where I am headed now.

I am so hopeful and more positive than I have ever been before. I am trying new things and the focus on hope has helped buffer negative events.

So on day 10 of my journey, my hope recipes are: commenting with animals, koalas, beautiful places and concentrating on being hopeful.

I wish you all a peaceful week X

Journey into hope day 11

Wow! I am amazed time has gone so rapidly, since I started this hope experiment. So much has happened in such a short time. It seems so long ago I was standing and watching the panoply of light blaring over Sydney Harbour.

Today I would like to discuss loss. Yesterday I met a beautiful young woman named Alannah, who had a shine about her. She shared with me that she had had a tattoo done, in memory of her friend who she had lovingly named Natashly. Natashly was actually named Ash. It is a beautiful and fitting tribute to loving friendship.

We spoke about my loss in not being able to meet Natashly. Alannah described her as exceptionally clever and very self deprecating and if my memory serves me correctly, funny.

Alannah did not use physical descriptions but gave me the essence of her friend in words. I liked Natashly, I think I would have connected with her. I am glad I met her through the spoken memory of her. I have many wonderful memories of people who are no longer here and they can live on in one sense, because although they are physically gone, their impact remains. We can and should speak about those who have gone before.

I was struck by the impression a brief encounter with Alannah made upon me. The way she shone, the incredible love she had for her absent yet present friend. I was also significantly impacted by Connie, from Port Aloha motel, her kindness and thoughtfulness was vast and I am very grateful.

I have lost some personal things during my travels. I find this extremely difficult to face, because it feels I have lost part of myself. This is a pet hate. Yesterday I lost a lovely sweatshirt with Choose Life on the front. It supports suicide awareness. I admit my ability to travel and remember everything is not wonderful, so I am facing this and struggling to accept that I may lose things along my way.

My time in Australia is waning fast. I am going back to the UK to face some big things which do not fill me with joy. I am hopeful I will have inner strength and resilience, which I have been building since I have been here.

So today my recipe for hope comes from a prayer; that I will have the strength to accept the things I cannot change, courage to accept the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.

I wish you all strength and hope X

Journey into hope day 7

I am going to visit the Port Macquarie koala hospital tomorrow. I am feeling excited about fulfilling a dream.

I have asked myself why I feel so connected to these furry ones. Perhaps it is their vulnerability, because they only eat eucalyptus and they cannot run. They are also very endearing. I feel very connected to nature in Australia, far more than in the UK. I am staying in Gosford this evening and have met another beautiful dog named Cooper, with crème caramel fur, who is a Pomeranian crossed with a maltese. Everywhere I go there are beautiful dogs who seem to welcome humans with open paws.

The fires continue to absorb my thoughts. The weather is slightly cooler, but they still rage on. Public support has been amazing. The government has now donated money so hope seems to be hitting Australia in the midst of pain.

Last night I watched a hilarious programme on You Tube featuring the comic genius Victor Borge. It was good to laugh, especially in the midst of tragedy. Laughter is restorative and in my opinion fuels hope.

I love discovering new programmes. I have also recently discovered the joy of pod casts. The pod cast on hope by Melvyn Bragg has reframed my thinking.

Away from it all, I have begun to consider whether one can live one’s life without being encumbered by too much baggage. More of that to follow.

Today as I travel hope comprises excitement, humour, adventure and a desire to connect with an animal I love.